Where Can You Buy Charred Crispy Red Peppers Like Chick Fil a Has

As a food blogger there are times that you get really excited about writing a post because you know you've outdone yourself and come up with something awesome. This is one of those times!

After the dismal failure of the flax crackers earlier this week I  was down, but not out. I knew that the low carb cracker recipe could work, but it needed some tweaking.

Meanwhile I've been thinking about how I could adapt it to make recipes for low carb bread, pizza dough, pie crust etc., and have literally lain awake at night mulling over different ideas.

Today my son had his first one-on-one play date here at our house, and it went great. Awww, such a big boy now! I promised the kids pizza for dinner and had picked up some traditional dough and a variety of toppings.

This was the perfect opportunity for me to try out my flax pizza crust recipe idea (since I am still eating low carb) so I got to work.

It came out even better than I'd hoped! First of all, the recipe has only got three ingredients, and is completely (net) carb free since the flax's only carbs are from fiber.

It's made with whole ingredients that are actually good for you, which isn't always the case with low carb store bought products which usually have all kinds of chemicals and fillers in them to make them taste and feel authentic. Not this recipe!

Loaded with fiber and healthy fats, whether you are low carb, gluten free, or just want more Omega 3's in your diet, this pizza recipe is for you. AND it tastes really great! I'm so excited about this! Could you tell? Seriously, it's all I can do not to write this post IN ALL CAPS! Wow that would be really annoying to read. But funny. For me anyway. But I wouldn't do that to you. I'll just stick to overusing explanation marks instead!!!!!

Ok you're thinking, it tastes good, it's healthy, but can it really hold up to a saucy, cheesy, topping overload without getting soggy in the middle so that you can't pick it up but have to eat it with a fork? I submit to you exhibit A below. It gets crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside like any good pizza dough should!

And with a nice stiffness to the finished product, there is no need to skimp on the toppings with this dough–it will hold up!!

For a low carber who is sick of either going without, or scraping the toppings off onto your plate and tossing the crust every time your family wants to order pizza, this is a dream come true!

I ate this tonight while everyone else ate the doughy, anemic looking white flour pizza and I thought they were the ones missing out! It's that good people! I can't wait for you to try it! And report back!

Oh yeah did I mention it was super easy to make? No rising, proofing, rolling and all that jazz – just mix all the ingredients together and press onto a greased cookie sheet. Pre-bake for a few minutes, then add your toppings and bake until bubbly and cooked through. Ridiculously easy.


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  • 1 cup flax meal (ground flax seeds)
  • 1/2 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 eggs

  1. Mix the flax meal and Parmesan (or Romano) cheese in a medium bowl. Add the eggs and stir until a dough is formed. It will be sticky, let it sit for about 5 minutes or so until it's easier to work with.
  2. Wet your hands with water to help keep the dough from sticking to them and press onto greased cookie sheet about 1/3 inch thick in a circle. You should get about a 10 inch crust out of it – if it's a lot smaller than that you are making it too thick.
  3. Bake in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven for 8 minutes. Remove.
  4. Add toppings. Bake for another 15 minutes at 350. Remove.
  5. Cool. Eat. Swoon.
  • Category: Entree
  • Cuisine: Pizza


  • Serving Size: 1/4 pizza (crust only)
  • Calories: 239
  • Fat: 18g
  • Carbohydrates: 0.4
  • Protein: 13g


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  • 1 recipe Flax & Parmesan Pizza Crust
  • 1/2 cup sugar free marinara sauce
  • 1 Italian Sausage Link, cooked and chopped
  • 1/2 cup broccoli florets, cooked
  • 1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded

  1. Par-bake the crust as described above.
  2. Add your toppings and bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees (F).
  3. Cut into 4 pieces. Each piece is considered one serving.
  • Category: Entree
  • Cuisine: Pizza


  • Serving Size: 1 piece
  • Calories: 381
  • Fat: 19g
  • Carbohydrates: 4g
  • Protein: 24g

UPDATE:  I've since made a new pizza crust recipe that I think is better than this one, it uses less flax and is even better tasting for it. So before you make this, check out my other Low Carb & Gluten Free Pizza Crust and see if you might want to try that one instead! Please note that the second recipe uses coconut flour and hemp seeds in addition to the flax – if you're looking for something simple and with just a few ingredients, this one might be right for you after all.

By the way, if you're new to IBIH and like what you see, please subscribe to our newsletter, and/or like us on Facebook and you'll be notified whenever I post something new!

In other news, for a limited time I'm bundling my Amazon best-selling e-book The Gluten Free Low Carber with my first two issues of the IBIH ezine for only $9.99 – that's a discount of over 50%!


You'll get over 75 original recipes that can't be found here on the blog for less than 15 cents each! And it's some of my best work yet if I do say so! Bored with the same old low carb recipes? Looking for some new and delicious ways to keto on? I'VE GOT YOU COVERED!

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Where Can You Buy Charred Crispy Red Peppers Like Chick Fil a Has

Source: https://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/zero-carb-flax-meal-pizza-crust/

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